Een interview met de ‘grote’ baas van Aerosoft – Winfried Diekmann – niet alleen over flightsimmen, maar ook over het simmen in het algemeen. Een interview van 20 minuten. Interview werd gedaan door McPhatStudios.
Winfried Diekmann, Owner and Managing Director at Aerosoft GmbH talks about not only the Flight Simulation business, but also the more broader aspect of simming, his most memorable moments in his 20 year history with the company, how to become an X-Plane developer AND get published by Aerosoft, the differences between Laminar Research X-Plane and Microsoft Flight Simulator and many more things. Also, he talks about the new releases (Airbus Extended, Flight Sim Commander and many more).
It’s a bit long, but we figured why split it in half?
Special thanks goes out to Winfried for taking the time to talk to us and give us a little insight in the operation of the biggest (Flight) Simulation Publisher. Especially at that hour and time (it was the third day, at 22.00).
For more information on what we do (no we don’t do film or interviews usually), check out our website:
Disclaimer: Movie was shot with a 50mm/f1.4 Nikon D7000 and a 70-200/f2.8 on a D5000. We were inside and only had available lighting, which was ONE candle and some dimmed light, so we tried to make the most out of it.